Sunday, April 22, 2007

Red Rock Hiking

Today, My Inferno of Love (MIOL) and I decided to take advantage of the warm weather and check out one of the regional parks in Northern Virginia that we had not been to as of yet. So, after visiting the NOVA park web site, I settled on Red Rock Potomac Overlook Park out by Leesburg. The park definitely earned its name as it was full of red rocks throughout the hike.

Here's a shot of MIOL and I...

After about 20 minutes of hiking MIOL and I decided that the park should be named Muddy Banks as we ended up waddling through 3-4" deep mud. It was actually kind of fun, like walking on ice.

Here's a better shot of the bank that must have been under water last week with all of the rain, hence the massive amounts of mud. Safe to say that we had to wear flip flops into the outlet malls later...

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